
The Third Ear (with Rob Vincs)

David Jones Drums

Evripides Evripidou Bass

Rob Vincs Saxello

Limited Edition CD

Contact: robvincs@icloud.com

A$20.00 + A$10.00 P+H

From listeners:

“…many listenings now; rather taken with Call to Consciousness, like trying to read but in the end just ‘feeling’ the currents of an unfamiliar beach; has an aquatic, underwater feel to it, even Evri’s harmonics and dead notes. Bliss! And New Moon…well I feel like a stranger on bus with locals-through dangerous fields, Southeast Asia Somewhere?? or elevated air of the Andes..rhythm of old diesel becomes increasingly anxious, excited etc…the fluidity of expressions makes the transitions virtually imperceptible, but remarkable-to North African, Middle-Easternish intervals?? Fascinating..excitement of finding new but ancient territories. All wonderful..” -John L.

“Crikey your album is gooooood…so simple and elegant..that first half is so evocative of the Australian Coastal Landscape…then just dives deeper and deeper into that faster 6/8 groove of David’s and suddenly your horn sound is flying! Really loving it. I could go on and on…” -Susannah FC.


Scott Dunbabin Bass

Robert Vincs Saxello, Tenor Sax

Limited Edition CD

Contact: robvincs@icloud.com

A$20.00 + A$10.00 P+H

This page is currently being built and will have Rob’s complete back catalogue in time.